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A. STANDARD FLOW TYPE:- The impure liquid to be filtered is fed to the fitter shell by pump. It arrives on top Of plate through Opening on the sides of plates. As liquid pressure increases. the filter media (Paper/fabric) holds back the impurities & allows the crystal clear filtrate to pass through the central channel (formed by interlcx:king cups) which takes the filtrate to the outlet of filter. This filter most commonly used to obtain clear liquid. However if required, the cake formed between the plates can be obtained. Filtration is continued until its rate becomes very slow due to increased cake resistance,
B. ZERO HOLD UP FILTER PRESSES:- The Cartridge assembly consists of plates, perforated screens. spacers and fitter media. Interlocking internally form single pipeline. The unfiltered liquid is centrally fed under from bottom inlet. The liquids spreads out equally on each plate fitted with filter media. Solids remain on filter media and clear. filtrate flows through precisely made holes on Sides Of plates and collects in tho Shell, which then comes Out through the Outlet. In this process, solids are evenly distributed on each plate. The cake is then cleaned from the filter material and used again for filtration process.